‘Core Value Actualization’ of an Organisation
Are your organisation’s Core-Values just words on a page or do they shape employees’ behaviour and actively drive every action and decision? Join our One-Day dynamic workshop on ‘Core Value Actualization’ where we emphasize and explore how Core-Values must serve as the Vis Viva – ‘The Living Force’ of your organisational culture and how they can be truly embodied to transform the workplace. In this immersive workshop we delve into the ontological aspect of Core-Values which goes beyond mere acknowledgement to living and breathing these values in every facet
of the organisation. This approach ensures and demonstrates that Core-Values are not just stated ideals but are integral to the da ily experience and interactions of every team member.

‘Core Value Actualization’ of an Organisation
Are your organisation’s Core-Values just words on a page or do they shape employees’ behaviour and actively drive every action and decision? Join our One-Day dynamic workshop on ‘Core Value Actualization’ where we emphasize and explore how Core-Values must serve as the Vis Viva – ‘The Living Force’ of your organisational culture and how they can be truly embodied to transform the workplace. In this immersive workshop we delve into the ontological aspect of Core-Values which goes beyond mere acknowledgement to living and breathing these values in every facet
of the organisation. This approach ensures and demonstrates that Core-Values are not just stated ideals but are integral to the da ily experience and interactions of every team member.